The healthy peanut butter ice cream

By Martina Avanzini

There is nothing more delicious like having an ice cream on a hot day. Or any day for that matter. I will probably still crave one in the snow ! I have to say that regular ice cream, the one we are used to, filled with sugar and milk really never satisfied me. Later I would always be hungry again and feel tired. Of course after that sugar high it is normal to feel drained, bloated, thats why I don’t miss the desserts made with white sugar and artificial ingredients. Mainly for the feeling I would get after. 

Fortunately I have discovered coconut and banana ice cream. I know it doesn’t sound too appealing at first as the creamy Italian gelato. Trust me, it’s better. Mixing it with other ingredients you will barely taste the fruit in it.

This version is one of the decadent ones, with peanut butter which is simply peanuts processed together and they eventually become butter. If you don’t want to make your own just check that that ONLY ingredient is peanuts, no palm oil or any other kind of nonsense. Peanuts produce the oil when blended together, so there is no need to add anything else to make the ‘butter’.

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Made only with fruits and nuts! Nothing else. I enjoy this ice cream much more than the Italian one. Filled with proteins, potassium and fatty acids it is also a great post workout treat.

Plus it is very easy to make. All you need is a blender. You can always use the bananas as the base and make different flavours.

Recipe:  Makes two portions

– 3.5-4 frozen bananas

– 1/2 cup of almond milk

– 1/4 tsp of vanilla

– 2 tbsp of peanut butter

Toppings: I used cacao nibs, but you can use what you prefer: fruits, shredded coconut, goji berries, etc.

Mix the frozen bananas in your blender and add accordingly the almond milk. You might even use less than half a cup. Blend everything together until you get that creamy consistency of a gelato.  Then add the vanilla and finally the peanut butter. Thats it!

#allytip I always recommend preparing it in the moment because if you want to freeze it again the ice cream will loose the creamy texture. Also when you freeze your bananas do it without the skin. Simply peal them and put them in a sealable container in your freezer. Enjoy !


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